months program


young and aspiring women

About DevelopHer

Women make up more than 50% of the population in Israel, but they account for less than 30% of positions in the high-tech industry, with their percentage dwindling even further when it comes to their representation in the relevant fields of academic studies. Numerous studies indicate that what often stands in their way is their own doubts about their abilities and suitability to integrate into the male-dominant tech world. DevelopHer encourage young women who have the required skills to enroll in high-tech academic programs and equips them with the knowledge and tools that will help them make the choice that’s right for them. The participants gain access to relevant information, experience an academic course in computer science and python programming and meet women from various positions in the Israeli high-tech industry.


IDF, Tel-Aviv University.

Target audience

Young women who are about to enroll in academic studies and whose grades and psychometric test scores qualify them for admission to a wide range of university courses.


Encouraging young women to enroll in high-tech related academic studies.

Practical experience

Learning an academic course in computer science and gaining practical python coding experience.

Soft skills training

Meeting with women workers and students in various positions in the Israeli high-tech industry.

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